Ready to Take on 2016!

If you are like me, you see the start of a new year as the opportunity to start anew….turn a new page….hit the “do over” button!  Sometimes I allow myself to get over-ambitious and try and tackle too many things in the new year, and it only takes a few weeks to get discouraged and eventually throw up my hands in frustration.  Yes, that is how it is for many Type A personalities–it has to be perfect the first time!

Not this year.  I am striving to keep it simple, and to be gracious towards myself when I don’t hit the bull’s eye perfectly the first time.  Call it wisdom, call it maturity, or call it setting low expectations so as to ensure success….I am bound and determined to make this year different.  What are you hopeful for in 2016?  What are you striving to better in yourself this next year?

One of my goals is to create this blog and write regularly.  I am pretty excited to have it already in place before the year ends! I don’t have it fully figured out as to what the content is going to be, but I am sure it will be mostly geared towards Rolfing®, health, wellness, and how we can be feeling better in our bodies.  My hope is to create words of value, providing helpful tips, education, inspiration, encouragement, and humor along the way.  I hope you will join me!

Blessings to you in the new year!

Stay tuned for more posts!
